Eurac Research (EURAC)

EURAC was founded in 1992 as a private research and education centre, and is home to researchers from all over Europe who work together on a wide range of interdisciplinary projects. The EURAC-Institute for Public Management pursues research in the management dimension of public sector institutions. The research is mainly concentrated on application-oriented research as well as on the development and scientific support of public sector reform processes.

The research focuses on the following areas:

  • Management of local authorities
  • Management of social services
  • Public accounting and controlling
  • Management of non-profit organisations
  • International public management
  • Internationales Public Management

Fields of activity

Research and scientific support of reform projects in the public sector and in particular in the field of social services. Evaluation of user needs in social services, performance management of social services, elaboration of quality management systems, implementation of controlling systems.

Role wihin the project

EURAC supports the consortium in the field of social research (end-users interviews), national differences in law regulations and market requirement analyses: preparation and evaluation of end-user analyses and surveys, scientific support of use cases, state-of-the-art analysis

Reference projects
  • AAL JP Call 6 – Experiences keep people Active (ExpAct)
  • FFG benefit 2013 – TAALXONOMY, Entwicklung einer praktikablen Taxonomie zur effektiven
    Klassifizierung von AAL-Produkten und -Dienstleistungen
  • AAL JP Call 3 – Personal Protection and Caring System (2PCS)
  • Innovative volunteering for the development of a social and cultural heritage (Interreg Programme Italy-Switzerland)
  • Optimisation of care for Parkinson patients
  • Optimisation of care for Multiple Sclerosis patients and integrative management of chronic diseases

Office location:

Drususallee 1

39100 Bozen


Contact persons:

Sonja Vigl

Ines Simbrig


National Funding Agency:

Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)